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A native New Zealand flax, WHARARIKI is known for being able to thrive in tough environments and when woven, is strong and resilient.

Ka tipu ake ngā hapori

Communities thrive through







Whakahaerenga Ohorere

Emergency Management

Through Te Puni Kokiri, we have provided emergency management training and resources to various maraes including the Omahu, Waipatu, Te Haroto and Waiohiki Marae.

Tapi Whare Takenui

Critical Housing Repairs

We understand that by making a house warm, dry and safe, the whole whānau, particularly the tamariki and pēpi will be resilient and stronger when fighting illness. We also know from evaluation from Dr Fiona Cram, whānau would rather stay together in their own Whare on ancestral land. Which is why we help repair what already exists. 

Hōtaka Kai Kura

School Food Programme

A recent study shows almost half of the students in Hawke's Bay are overweight or obese. We support schools who chose to prepare kai onsite with the government funded school food programme. Our findings are that menus are more creative and healthier and there is less waste. The programme also creates more employment opportunities. 

Ētahi Atu Kaupapa

Other Projects

We have other projects that are the foundation of this organisation. Many of these programmes were focused around factors that affected Hawke’s Bay’s Tamariki. Such as supplying warm pajamas...

To mātau pānga

Our Impact